Here are some more dice of my collection. This section is structured in themes as follows:
· My favourites: as the title says
· Noteworthy: Dice I consider unique, special or noteworthy in some way or another
· Spinners
· Vintage dice sets: The Armory, TSR, etc
· Pips: Dice with special pips
· Not Numbered: Dice representing numbers with neither pips nor Arabic numbers, e.g. roman numerals, hexadecimal, Japanese, symbols, or words
· Symbols: One of the faces of a pipped or numbered die is replaced by a symbol
· Math: Dice with mathematical symbols or words
· Electronic: Dice using a battery
· Astro: Dice with astro symbols (zodiac, planets)
· Letters: Dice with letters instead of numbers
· Poker: Dice with poker symbols
· Miscellaneous: Dice in my collection that do not fit in any other theme
D18 Truncated Sphere Designed by me and Magic |
Acrylic Glass Made by my daughter |
Beads Made by my son |
Dice Maniacs Club great artwork |
Art Deco, beautiful design |
Wooden spherical D6 handicraft |
“6” circular Bone Ukraine |
Amber |
D32, glass, made in Czechoslovakia |
D26 All prime numbers below 100 (1 is on top, © at bottom) Designed by my daughter |
D10, pipped |
2D6, double roller |
3D6, triple roller |
5D6, quintuple roller |
5D6, quintuple roller, poker |
Rubik’s Cube |
Dice I consider unique, special or noteworthy in some way or other
Zocchihedron, D100 100-sided die, invented by Lou Zocchi |
D-Total “Seventeen Dice in One” D24 Deltoidal Icositetrahedron A.Simkin / GameScience Details can be found here |
D12, unique shape: Rhombic Dodecahedron AskAstro |
D10, unique shape: Flattened octahedron Japanese “Trinity” die numbered 0...9 |
Russian die “6” is diagonal Opposite faces do not sum to 7: 6 and 1 are adjacent |
Chessex, Arrows of Chaos Configuration and pips are n-sided polygons where n is the number of pips on that face. (“1” consists of 8 arrows) |
D6 with both pips and numbers 1-3 numbered 1-3 pipped |
D10, odd numbers are upside-down (compared to all other D10s in my collection) |
Italic font Backgammon doubling die |
Diagonal numbers Backgammon doubling die |
D6, binary die (D2) |
D8, binary die (D2) Exile Game Studio (Ubiquity Dice) |
110,101,100,11,10,1 Binary D6 Wood, hand painted Design by Christopher Campbell |
D16, Hexadecimal F,E,D,C,B,A,9,..,1,0 Hexi Die Design by Kevin Cook |
Sicherman Dice Numbered 4,3,3,2,2,1 and 8,6,5,4,3,1 Same probability distribution as a pair of normal dice
Non-transitive dice: Each die beats the one in clockwise direction with probability >0.5 (similar to the game Rock, Paper, Scissors)
Hollow, made of six plastic squares |
Phenolic resin (bakelite) 1930’s |
Stone |
Metal, hollow |
Minute bone dice, beginning of 20th century These were packed in a hollow cork and came as gift together with a bottle of European liquor. Details can be found in Leo van der Heijdt’s book “Face to face with DICE” on p.77. |
Cork dice (cork missing In my collection). Picture by L. van der Heijdt [Ref] |
The “1” face of the left die is convex (cheater?) |
KODT dice: 3/4", six-sided dice with the five characters from Knights of the Dinner Table on five sides, and "Hoody Hoo" on the sixth. Dice are in full color, and the art is sublimated into the surface of the die, not painted onto the outside |
“2” vertical, “1” large red, “4” red, “5” center dot red, Bhutanese?
Dice shaker, 38mm |
The largest (58mm) and smallest (5mm) dice in my collection. I do prefer regular sized dice (16mm), though. |
D4, numbered |
D6, pipped |
D6, pipped |
D6, pipped 10cm long! |
D10, pipped Instead of the “10” there is a figure (joker?) |
2D6, double spinner The two halves move (more or less) independently, thereby generating the same numbers as two D6. |
2D6, double roller, “Mulpa Roller” The two halves move (more or less) independently, thereby generating the same numbers as two D6. |
3D6, triple roller The three parts move (more or less) independently, thereby generating the same numbers as three D6. |
5D6, quintuple poker roller, Mulpa The five parts move (more or less) independently, thereby generating the same results as five D6. |
5D6, quintuple poker roller, Mulpa The five parts move (more or less) independently, thereby generating the same results as five Poker D6. |
Brass Nimm alles, Alle geben, Gib zwei, Gib eins, Nimm eins, Nimm zwei (German for: take all, put all, put one, put two, take one, take two) |
Nimm alles, Alle geben, Gib 2, Gib 1, Nimm 1, Nimm 2 (German for: take all, put all, put 1, put 2, take 1, take 2) |
Nimm alles, Alle geben, Gib 2, Gib 1, Nimm 1, Nimm 2 (German for: take all, all put, put 1, put 2, take 1, take 2) |
Nimm alles, Alle geben, Gib 2, Gib 1, Nimm 1, Nimm 2 (German for: take all, put all, put 1, put 2, take 1, take 2) Wood, 60mm |
Nimm alles, Alle geben, Gib 2, Gib 1, Nimm 1, Nimm 2 (German for: take all, all put, put 1, put 2, take 1, take 2) |
Toma todo, todos ponen, pon 1, pon 2, toma 1, toma 2 (Spanish for: take all, put all, put 1, put 2, take 1, take 2) |
Je t’aime, un peu, beaucoup, passionnément, à la folie, pas du tout (French for: I love you, a little bit, passionately, (I’m) crazy about you, not at all) |
“1” on D4 and D8 replaced by “A”. D20 is 2 x 0..9. Note that there is no D10.
Mint. Year unknown, but leaflet says “free replacement if our dice wear out before 1 Jan 1982”
Pictures of the individual dice are not to scale.
D6 is missing in above set, looks probably similar to the green D6 below
© 1989, mint. Pictures of the individual dice are not to scale.
© 1993. Pictures of the individual dice are not to scale.
Small porcelain dice, D6 is 10mm
Dice with special pips
Chessex, Arrows of Chaos Configuration and pips are n-sided polygons ( “1” consists of 8 arrows) |
“1” point-circle Thai |
Pips point circle or “bull’s eye” |
Pentagons Soccer Koplow |
Hearts |
Eyes |
Skulls |
Clover |
Ribbons |
Mickey Mouse |
“Ks” (Koplow) |
Devils |
Hemp |
Gifts |
Tactile |
Petals Design by |
Bird’s eye Design by |
Casino Die Condado Beach (Puerto Rico) |
Dice representing numbers with neither pips nor Arabic numbers
D6, Roman I, II, III, IV, V, VI |
D6, Roman I, II, III, IV, V, VI |
D6, Roman I, II, III, IV, V, VI |
D6, Roman I, II, III, IV, V, VI |
D6, Roman, V,X,L,C,D,M |
D12, 3x(1-4) Roman Numerals |
110,101,100,11,10,1 Binary D6 Wood, hand painted Design by Christopher Campbell |
F,E,D,C,B,A,9,..,1,0 Hexi Die GameStation Design by Kevin Cook |
1-6 Japanese (Kanji) |
7-12 Japanese (Kanji) |
1-10 Japanese (Hiragana) |
Kanji (left column), Hiragana (2nd column from left)
1-6 Korean (Sino) |
7-12 Korean (Sino) |
1-6 ASL |
7-12 ASL |
1-10 ASL |
Strokes |
Bamboo Pentagram Truant |
Fingers, 5,4,3,2,1,0 |
Fingers, 5,5,2,2,0,0 Rock (5) Paper (0) Scissors (2) |
12,11,10,9,8,7 English |
6,5,4,3,2,1 English |
12,11,10,9,8,7 German zwölf, elf, zehn, neun,acht, sieben |
6,5,4,3,2,1 German sechs, fünf, vier, drei, zwei, eins |
12,11,10,9,8,7 Turkish on iki, on bir, on, dokuz, sekiz, yedi |
6,5,4,3,2,1 Turkish altı, beş, dört, üç, iki, bir |
2,2,2,1,1,1, EVEN, ODD |
One of the faces of a pipped or numbered die is replaced by a symbol
Lobster |
Crab |
Cat |
Pig |
Unicorn |
Horse |
Turtle |
Elephant |
Star |
Soccer Koplow |
Dragon meet 2006 |
Map of Canada |
Map of Switzerland |
Map of Italy |
25,20,15,10,5,misfire Warhammer Artillery |
13,9,8,5,4,face Rummy Die |
10,9,8,7,6,10-1 ??? |
10,8,6,4,2,misfire |
10,9,6,5,1,face Rummy Die |
10,8,6,4,2,misfire Warhammer Artillery |
7,5,3,cat,bat,rat |
Bird 3,2,2,1,1,bird |
Shark fin (traded, no longer |
1 replaced by skull |
4,3,2,1,W,W (wildcard) Phase 10 |
2,2,1,1,X,X Toto die |
6 replaced by Hammer and Sickle Q-Workshop |
1 replaced by a rose |
1 replaced by an Ankh symbol |
0 replaced by a Yin Yang symbol Q-Workshop Yin Yang |
“0” replaced by a symbol (devil?) 1,2, and 3 different color “World of Warcraft (WoW)”$ (traded, no longer in my collection) |
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,crown |
20 replaced by a Lotus symbol (life counter) |
Dice with mathematical expressions, symbols or words
Math expressions die
Math +,-,x, ÷,=, ≤ |
Math +,-,x, ÷,=, < |
Math =, ≠,<,>,≤,≥ |
Math x,x,x,x,x,x |
Math =,=,=,=,=,= |
Math x, ÷,+,+,-,- |
Math x, x, x, ÷,÷,÷ |
Math +,+,+,-,-,- |
Math +,+,-,-,blank,blank |
Math +,+,+,-,-,- German |
Math ><,-,÷,=,x,+ German |
Math =,<,≤,≠,≥,> German |
Shapes in German Hexagon, Square, Trapezoid, Triangle, Rhombus (2x) |
Math 3,2,1,0,+,- |
Electronic Die |
Flashing Die |
Flashing Die (red/blue) |
Rubik’s Cube, 2x2x2 |
Rubik’s Cube, 3x3x3 |
Rubik’s Square Dipyramid Based on the same mechanism as the 3x3x3 cube but „poles“ can be rotated |
Rubik’s Hexagonal Dipyramid Based on the same mechanism as the 3x3x3 cube |
Zodiac Pentagonal |
Zodiac Rhombic AskAstro |
Zodiac Symbols
Planetary Pentagonal |
Planetary Rhombic AskAstro |
Planetary Symbols
D6 Letters A,D,E,T,Y,Z |
D20 Uppercase Letters |
D30 Uppercase Letters Type 1 |
D30 Uppercase Letters Type 2 |
D30 Lowercase Letters |
AH,KC,8D,10S Peg Poker |
AS,QD,4C,5H Peg Poker |
AC,9D,JS,2H Peg Poker |
KH,QC,7D,9S Peg Poker |
KS,JD,3C,4H Peg Poker |
KD,5C,6H,2S Peg Poker |
QH,JC,6D,8S Peg Poker |
QS,10D,2C,3H Peg Poker |
JH,10C,5D,7S Peg Poker |
10H,9C,4D,6S Peg Poker |
9H,8C,3D,5S Peg Poker |
8H,7C,2D,4S Peg Poker |
Poker, 9,10,J,Q,K,A Wood Koplow |
Poker Ace of Club Type 1 |
Poker Ace of Club Type 2 |
Poker Ace of Spaces |
Poker Ace of Spaces Transparent Koplow |
Poker Die on the right is numbered A,4,3,3,2,1 |
This is a possibly incomplete set of poker dice. Note that additional letters are printed on the dice. Any hints are appreciated. Could be KARDICE ?
AC(U),KS(I),10D(A), 2D(E),5S(E),8H(O) |
AS(A),QH(U),8D(E), 2C(I),4H(O),10C(E) |
AD(N),KH(D),JS(T), 9C(R),5H(F),3S(S) |
KC(A,SH),10S(Y,SH), 6D(A,W), 2S(O,PL), 9H(E,W),5C(U,PL) This die also includes letter(s) in the lower left corner |
QS(S),7D(L),4S(R), JC(N),3C(D),6H(T) |
JD(P),10H(S),7S(B), 8C(N),3D(C),2H(H) |
AS,KH,QD,JC,9S,8H,7D,6C Koplow |
AH,KD,QC,10S,9H,8D,7C,5S Koplow |
AD,KC,JS,10H,9D,8C,6S,5H Koplow |
AC,QS,JH,10D,9C,7S,6H,5D Koplow |
KS,QH,JD,10C,8S,7H,6D,5C Koplow |
D14 dice, shaped like a cuboctahedron with rounded vertices and edges.
Each die contains 13 card symbols (2..10,J,Q,K,A) plus an Arsenal Club Crest. Other editions feature Everton, Leeds United, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, Sheffield Wednesday, and West Ham. For a complete collection see here.
AS,KD,QS,JH,10C,9D, 8S,7C,6H,5S,4D,3C,2H, Arsenal Club Crest Card Dice |
AH,KS,QH,JC,10D,9S, 8H,7D,6C,5H,4S,3D,2C, Arsenal Club Crest Card Dice |
AC,KH,QC,JD,10S ,9H, 8C,7S,6D,5C,4H,3S,2D, Arsenal Club Crest Card Dice |
AD,KC,QD,JS,10H,9C, 8D,7H,6S,5D,4C,3H,2S, Arsenal Club Crest Card Dice |
5D6, quintuple poker roller, Mulpa |
D8 Roll to Riches
Roll to Riches D12 Dipyramid One die is missing. For a complete set see here |
D6 Double dice |
D10 Double dice |
D12 Double dice |
D20 Double dice |
D6 3 in 1 |
Dice in my collection that do not fit in any other theme
Animals |
Dinos |
Transport |
Trains |
Superman |
Slot Machine |
Slot Machine |
Warhammer Scatter |
Money |
D6 43mm! Caotina is a Swiss chocolate drink |
D6 |
Ich, du, wir (I, you, we) wooden, 30mm |
Lieben, baden, essen, schlafen, feiern, trinken (To love, to bath, to eat, to sleep, to celebrate, to drink) wooden, 30mm |
D8 TV Scene It (traded, no longer in my collection) |
D12 Months |
D12 Body Parts |
Tiny dice shakers |
Tiny dice in glass jar |
3 Chinese rubber dice, 12mm (top and bottom shown) |
Tiny dice in glass pig |
Tiny die on Swiss 1 cent coin |
Colors & shapes: 3 green circles, 2 orange triangles, 1 red square
Monsterdice |
Green level 1 monsters: bees, bats, rats, skeleton, snake, goblin
Monsterdice |
Orange level 2 monsters: crocodile, orc, octopus, harpy, mummy, cyclops
Monsterdice |
Red level 3 monsters: dragon, mage, vampire, balrog, roc, giant spider
Monsterdice |
Mood die with faces: friendly, neutral, suspicious, hostile, afraid, berserk
Monsterdice |
Treasures: gold coin, silver coin, gem, scroll, weapon, magic weapon.
Treasure Dice |
different directions, door, stair
Corridor Dice |
Rune Dice |
Football Fever is a game with 18 dice of 6 different shapes and a down counter.
Down Counter (not used as die) D4 Elongated Square Prism |
Scrimmage Die 1 D4, Edged Cigar Shape |
Scrimmage Die 2 D4, Edged Cigar Shape |
Scrimmage Die 3 D4, Edged Cigar Shape |
Kick Return Die D6, Edged Cigar Shape |
Punt Return Die D6, Edged Cigar Shape |
In/Out Of Bound Die D8 |
Onside Kick (Free Kick) Die D8 |
Bomb Die D10 |
Referee Die D10 |
Block Defense Die D12 |
Recovery Die D12 |
Pass Defense Die D12 |
Blitz Defense Die D12 |
Run Defense Die D12 |
Kickoff Die D20 |
Punt Die D20 |
Option Die D20 |
Extra Point Die D20 |
12 Accuracy Dice, 12 Duel Dice, 1 Fate Die. Nin Gonost on BGG and