Games With Special Numbered Or Pipped Dice

There is a large number of games with special dice. The best overview is available in various geeklists on

*        Dice - A Dicey Love Affair currently the most extensive list

*        Games with specially numbered die/dice six sided dice

*        okay, I admit it: I love specialty dice

*        Games with Really Cool Dice


I am interested in numbered or pipped dice only, no symbols, and no stickers.


This section contains a list of dice from games as well as special dice sets (e.g. cheaters, trick dice, Sicherman dice and non-transtive dice)


To do: Include & check on Dice - A Dicey Love Affair

Half-Time Football


Break the safe

Phase 10

Real Math - A Sampler of Games

Number Please!

Mission Command Air

Screaming Eagles Game

13 Dead End Drive


Babylon 5

Push Over

GridIron Master


Catz, Ratz & Batz




Peg Poker

Showdown Poker

The Train Game



Bottom row shows same dice, rotated by 180° along the horizontal axis parallel to the screen.

White die: 1-1-2-2-3-3, Red die: 2-3-3-4-4-5, Black die: 4-4-6-6-8-8



123 Dice

Bottom row shows same dice, rotated by 180° along the horizontal axis parallel to the screen.


From left to right:

D6 81,72,54,36,18,9

D6 40,32,24,16,8,8

D6 40,30,25,20,15,10

D6 12,11,10,10,9,2

D6 10,9,7,6,5,3

D6 9,8,5,4,3,2

D6 8,7,6,5,4,3

D6 6,5,4,3,2,1 (opposite faces do not sum to 7)


Bottom row shows same dice, rotated by 180° along the horizontal axis parallel to the screen.

16 dice, but some are identical.


Foggle, aka as Math Boggle



Football Fever

18 dice of 6 different shapes and a down counter


Formula Dé

Blue D30: 3 x (21-30)

Black D20: regular

Purple D20: 2 x (11-20)

Green D12: 2 x (7-12)

Red D8: 2 x (5-8)

Orange D6: 4,4,4,3,3,2

Yellow D4: 2 x (1-2)



5D6 dice frame with 3 axes


Monopoly Express



400,300,250,200,200,200 Type 1

400,300,250,200,200,200 Type 2


150,150,100,100,100,100 bulb

150,150,100,100,100,100 tap

2x policeman, 4x blank


Monopoly: FA Premier League

D12, 2x1-6


Rummikub Rummy Dice Game

From left to right:

Top row: 13,12,9,8,4,3 ; 13,12,8,7,4,3 ; 13,10,9,5,4,1 ; 13,9,8,5,4,face

Bottom row: 12,11,7,6,3,2 ; 12,11,8,7,3,2 ; 11,10,6,5,2,1 ; 11,10,7,6,2,1 ; 10,9,6,5,1,face



























Heads Up, aka Mathe Mix

14 wooden dice, numbers 1-15. Two dice with same numbers but different configuration (13,11,8,6,3,1). Two different wooden sets, set with red numbers is incomplete. Some dice have the same numbers, but different configurations (manual printing?)











13,12,8,6,4,3 (red only, 6 instead of 9, dot manually printed?)


Plastic set with 14 dice, numbers 1-15, but completely different numbers than wooden set:

























D20 Beginner 15,14,14,13,13,12,12,11,11,11,10,10,10,9,9,9,8,8,7,6

D20 Advanced 19,18,18,17,17,16,16,15,15,15,14,14,14,13,13,13,12,12,11,10

D20 Driver 25,24,23,22,21,21,21,20,20,20,20,19,19,19,19,18,18,17,16,15

D12 Beginner 12,11,10,9,9,8,8,8,7,7,6,5

D12 Advanced 16,15,14,13,13,12,12,11,11,10,9,8

D10 Beginner 8,7,7,6,6,6,5,5,4,3

D10 Advanced 11,10,9,9,8,8,7,7,6,5

D8 Beginner 5,5,4,4,3,2,1,0

D8 Advanced 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 (regular D8)

D6 Beginner 6,5,4,3,2,1 (regular D6)

D6 Advanced 9,8,7,6,5,4

D6 2/2,3/4,2/3,2/3,2/3,2/4

D4 Beginner 4,3,2,1

D4 Advanced 6,5,4,3

The Golf Rules Game











Top view

Bottom view

Tumble Numble

11 wooden dice

1 Red: 1, 2, (3), 4, (5), 7

1 Blue: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8

1 Green: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9

1 Black: 0, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9

1 Black: blank, 0, 1, 7, 8, 9

6 Black:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (opposite faces do not sum to 7)


Special Dice Sets

Sum of two to five dice

In many games, two or three dice are used and their sum is used as a random number. If the individual dice yield a uniform distribution, the density function of their sum is no longer uniform. The example of dice with M=2, M=4 and M=6 random numbers is considered below.

Sum of two or three binary dice

Let us assume that there are three fair binary dice with numbers 0 and 1. A single die generates those numbers with probability 1/2 each. The sum of two dice has three possible outcomes: 0 (with probability 1/4), 1 (1/2), and 2 (1/4). For the sum of three dice, the possible outcomes are 0 (with probability 1/8), 1 (3/8), 2 (3/8), and 3 (1/8)

There is an interesting set of three dice representing these three cases, the so-called Ubiquity Dice by Exile Game Studio. They are all octahedra, the white one being a binary die, the red and the blue one generating the sum of two or three binary dice, respectively.



D2 (binary die)

Exile Game Studio

(Ubiquity Dice)


2D2 (sum of 2 binary dice)

Exile Game Studio

(Ubiquity Dice)


3D2 (sum of 3 binary dice)

Exile Game Studio

(Ubiquity Dice)

Sum of two quaternary dice

A fair quaternary die generates numbers 0, 1, 2, and 3 with probability 1/4 each. The sum of two such dice has seven possible outcomes: 0 (with probability 1/16), 1 (1/8), 2 (3/8), 3 (1/2), 4 (3/8), 5 (1/8), and 6 (1/8).


The so-called Y2K die is a special die that generates exactly this type of random numbers. It consists of two halves, each with 0,1,2, or 3 dots. When the die is rolled, these halves can move (more or less) independently.

2D4: Y2K Die

Double Spinner / Roller

There are spinners and rollers that generates the same probability distribution as the sum of two D6: 2 (with probability 1/36), 3 (1/18), 4 (1/12), 5 (1/9), 6 (5/36), 7 (1/6), 8 (5/36), 9 (1/9), 10 (1/12), 11 (1/18), and 12 (1/36).

The two parts of that spinner move (more or less) independently:


Double spinner


Double roller

Triple Roller

There is a unique roller that generates the same probability distribution as the sum of three D6. The three parts of that spinner move (more or less) independently:

3D6, triple roller

Quintuple Roller

There is a unique roller that generates the same probability distribution as the sum of five D6. The five parts of that spinner move (more or less) independently:

5D6, quintuple roller


5D6, quintuple roller, Poker






Sicherman Dice

A fair “regular” cube generates numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 with probability 1/6 each. The sum of two such dice has eleven possible outcomes: 2 (with probability 1/36), 3 (1/18), 4 (1/12), 5 (1/9), 6 (5/36), 7 (1/6), 8 (5/36), 9 (1/9), 10 (1/12), 11 (1/18), and 12 (1/36).

Sicherman dice are the only other pair of 6-sided dice bearing only positive integers which have the same probability distribution as a pair of normal dice. These dice were discovered by Colonel George Sicherman, of Buffalo, New York and were originally reported by Martin Gardner in a 1978 article in Scientific American. The numbers can be arranged so that all pairs of numbers on opposing sides sum to equal numbers, 5 for the first and 9 for the second.

Left 4,3,3,2,2,1

Right 8,6,5,4,3,1

Grand Illusions

Left 8,6,5,4,3,1

Right 4,3,3,2,2,1


They are the only such alternate arrangement if face values are required to be positive. However, if faces are permitted to have zero value, then three additional possible equal-odds pairs of dice are possible: Two are obtained by subtracting one from each face on either of the two dice and adding one to each face the other, yielding to 5,4,4,3,3,2 / 7,5,4,3,2,0 and 3,2,2,1,1,0 / 9,7,6,5,4,3. The third one is obtained by performing the same +1 / -1 operation with a regular pair of D6, yielding to 7,6,5,4,3,2 / 5,4,3,2,1,0, as used in Magic’s Double D6:

Inner die 7,6,5,4,3,2

Outer die (frame): 5,4,3,2,1,0

Right picture shows “12” (7+5)

Magic / Shapeways


If negative values are permitted, there are an infinite number of equal-odds dice.

Non Transitive Dice

A set of nontransitive dice is a set of dice for which the relation "is more likely to roll a higher number" is not transitive. This situation is similar to that in the game Rock, Paper, Scissors, in which each element has an advantage over one choice and a disadvantage to the other.


Each die beats the one in clockwise direction

Red 4,4,4,4,4,1

Blue 6,3,3,3,3,3

Green 5,5,5,2,2,2

Red beats blue with probability 25/36,

blue beats green with probability 21/36,

and green beats red with probability 21/36.

Grand Illusions

Blue 9,7,6,5,2,1

Orange 9,8,5,4,3,1

Black 8,7,6,4,3,2

Miwin Dice. Each die beats

the one in clockwise direction

with probability 17/36

(lose 16/36, draw 3/36)



Top 6,6,2,2,2,2

Right 5,5,5,1,1,1

Bottom 4,4,4,4,0,0,0

Left 3,3,3,3,3,3

Efron’s Dice. Each die beats

the one in clockwise direction

with probability 2/3

Grand Illusions


Three dice:

*        3,3,5,5,7,7; 2,2,4,4,9,9; and 1,1,6,6,8,8 (Efron set. Uses all the numbers from 1 to 9, and the face value of each die sums to 30).

*        1,1,1,13,13,13; 0,3,3,12,12,12; and 2,2,2,11,11,14 (the face value of each die sums to 42).

*        1,4,4,4,4,4; 3,3,3,3,3,6; and 2,2,2,5,5,5 (no face has a number higher than 6, and each die has two different numbers. This is the red/blue/green pipped set shown above)

*        1,2,5,6,7,9; 1,3,4,5,8,9; 2,3,4,6,7,8 (this is the wooden pipped set shown above, blue/orange/black). Minwin dice, invented in 1975 by Michael Winkelmann. No number appears twice on the same die, the face value of each die sums to 30, and the average is 5.

*        1,1,1,13,13,13; 0,3,3,12,12,12; 2,2,2,11,11,14 (Schwenk's dice)

Four dice:

*        6,6,2,2,2,2; 5,5,5,1,1,1; 4,4,4,4,0,0; and 3,3,3,3,3,3 (Efron set. No number is greater than 6. This is the white numbered set shown above)

*        2,3,3,9,10,11; 0,1,7,8,8,8; 5,5,6,6,6,6; and 4,4,4,4,12,12 (Efron set).

*        1,2,3,9,10,11; 0,1,7,8,8,9; 5,5,6,6,7,7; and 3,4,4,5,11,12 (Efron set)

*        2,3,3,9,10,11; 0,1,7,8,8,8; 5,5,6,6,6,6; and 4,4,4,4,12,12;



Cheater Dice

Cheater dice generate random numbers that differ from “fair” dice. Some dice generate on average higher numbers than fair dice, others lower numbers. Other sets generate only a few (down to a single) random numbers and are used to tweak results in games such as craps.


Center 6,5,4,3,2,1 (regular D6), average 21/6=3.50

Left 5,4,3,2,1,1 (6 replaced by 1), average 16/6=2.67

Right 6,6,5,4,3,2 (1 replaced by 6) , average 26/6=4.33

Chessex / Koplow


Right 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 (regular D10) , average 45/10=4.50

Left 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,0,0 (1 replaced by 0), average 44/10=4.40

Chessex / Koplow


Left regular D20 , average 220/20=11.0

Right 1 replaced by 20, average 239/20=11.95

Chessex / Koplow


From left to right (top and bottom pictures show the same die from front and back)

2 x 11-20, average = 310/20=16.5

1 replaced by 20, average 239/20=11.95

regular D20 , average 220/20=11.0

20 replaced by 1, average 201/20=10.05

2 x 0-9, average 90/20=4.5



Loaded Dice, throw 7 or 11

Left: 6,6,6,2,2,2 Right 5,5,5,5,5,5


Loaded Dice

Left: 6,6,5,5,4,4 Right 5,5,3,3,1,1

Both dice: Best bet is 7 followed by 5 or 9

2 x 5,5,3,3,1,1 dice - Best bet is the 6 followed by 4



Loaded Dice,

Left: 6,6,5,5,1,1 Right 5,5,4,4,3,3

Will roll only points - 4,5,6,8,9,10,11, best bets are 9 & 10
Craps is 2,3,7 or 12 on the first roll, & 7 thereafter.


Loaded Dice

Left: 6,6,3,3,2,2 Right 5,5,4,4,1,1

Both dice: Best bet is 7
2 x 5,5,4,4,1,1 dice: Best bets are 5,6,9



Loaded die


Loaded die


Loaded die



Loaded die


Loaded die


Loaded die


Loaded Dice

These dice are physically loaded, such that a particular number is rolled with very high probability




Loaded die


Loaded die


Loaded die


Loaded die


Loaded die


Loaded die



Loaded die “6” (left), regular die (right)

Both dice are hollow


Loaded die, filled with liquid.

Can be “loaded” within seconds

to roll any number with high probability


Trick Dice

Trick Dice

Yellow: 971,872,773,377,278,179

Green: 960,762,663,564,366,168

Blue: 954,855,756,657,558,459

Black: 840,741,642,543,345,147

Red: 780,681,483,384,285,186


*        Trick: A magician can add the numbers of the five dice within seconds – the result will be different each time the dice are rolled.

*        Solution: The answer will be a four digit number. Sum the final digits of the dice to get the final two digits of the answer; subtract this from 50 to get the first two digits.

*        Explanation:


Trick Dice

971,872,773,377,278,179 (same as black die above)

960,762,663,564,366,168 (similar to green die, but 267 instead of 762)

954,855,756,657,558,459 (same as black die above)



840,741,642,543,345,147 (same as black die above)

780,681,483,384,285,186 (same as red die above)


Creative Crafthouse, Sprig Hill, FL


The original set of 5 dice, invented by Royal V. Heath in 1927, was extended to 8 dice by Stephen Bradd of Clinton, IL. The rule is the same as above, but subtract the sum from 80 instead.

Place Value Dice

Set of 9 D10 dice

Can throw any number from 0 to 999’999.999 in steps of 0.001


Lotto Dice

7 dice, numbers 1-35. All red numbers appear twice.









